Android VS iOS App Development in 2023

Android VS iOS App Development in 2023

Cell phones are currently used by 5 billion people globally, and this number is projected to increase over the next few years. This tendency will lead to a growth in the demand for better mobile apps from businesses and consumers, which would boost the iOS and Android industry. Additionally, 3 hours a day are spent using smartphones on average. Mobile applications' updating and upgrading procedures will thus be sped up to remain relevant over time. Software developers can have trouble deciding whether to create for iOS or Android. Although the two systems' structures are similar, they nonetheless use different design and support methods. The two systems differ not just in production but also branding and development approach. Which app platform should you use when creating an iOS vs. Android app? let’s discuss

Comparison of the iOS and Android App Markets

The marketplaces for mobile applications for iOS and Android have developed significantly in recent years. The Android App Market is still significantly bigger than the iOS App Market, though. For making a choice, though, that is insufficient. Therefore, entrepreneurs must consider this before choosing a software developer while determining whether to create an iOS or Android app. Let's compare the market data for Android and iOS to better grasp iOS vs. Android: Which is most suitable for your company?

In terms of market share

in terms of market share, Android holds the lion's share with a global market share of 76.8% while iOS has a market share of 22% as per the data 2020. This means that Android has a broader reach, with a larger potential audience for your app. Furthermore, developing for Android also means supporting multiple device types with various screen sizes and resolutions, which can be a challenge for developers.

Revenue generation

In terms of revenue generation, iOS generates more revenue as per the data of 0. The App Store generated five times more revenue than the Google Play Store. iOS users also tend to be more affluent and have higher purchasing power, which can be beneficial if your app is a paid one or have in-app purchases.

User Engagement

In terms of user engagement, iOS users spend more time on their devices compared to Android users as per data from from20. The average iOS user spent 3 hours and 35 minutes per day on their device, while Android users spent 3 hours and 18 minutes per day on average.

Technical Comparison between iOS and Android

Programming Language

·         IOS app development is developed using defective-C or Swift programming languages. Objective-C was the primary language for iOS development for many years, but in recent years, Swift has become more popular among iOS developers due to its improved performance and ease of use.


·   Android app development is typically developed using the Java programming language. Java is a popular language for Android development because it is easy to learn and has a large developer community. Additionally, many developers are already familiar with Java because it is a widely-used language for general-purpose pose programming.

Both iOS and Android also support development using cross-platform frameworks such as React Native and Xamarin. These frameworks allow developers to write code in one language (usually JavaScript or C#) and then deploy it on multiple platforms, including iOS and Android.


The difficulty of the app development process differs substantially between iOS and Android. Because Android app development must use Java, they are often more complex than iOS app development, which uses Objective-C or Swift. The Android platform is also far more fragmented, with a wide range of device makers, models, and screen sizes. As a result, developers must create their programs to run on as many different devices as they can. The user experience will suffer if they don't do this. It is considerably simpler and less complicated to design your app once specifically for the iOS platform rather than being required to develop it many times for various device models and sizes on the Android platform. Apple's lower market share than Android's might be a drawback.


The flexibility of features in iOS and Android apps can vary depending on the specific requirements of the app, as well as the development framework and tools being used. In terms of flexibility with features, Android app development tends to be more flexible than iOS development:

·         Android's open-source nature: The Android operating system is open-source, which means that developers have more freedom to customize the look and feel of their apps.

·         Android's Permissions System: android uses a permission system that allows users to grant specific permissions to the app to use certain features and access certain data on their device.

On the other hand, iOS development can be considered less flexible than Android development with features.

·         iOS's closed nature: The iOS operating system is closed-source, which means that developers have less freedom to customize

·         iOS's Permissions System: iOS uses a permission system, but the permissions are pre-determined, meaning the developer has less flexibility to use certain features as they have to be pre-approved by Apple.

Development cost

the cost of iOS app development can be higher than that of an Android app due to several factors. iOS app development requires a Mac which can increase cost, and developers must pay a $99 annual fee to become an Apple developer and a 30% commission on app revenue when publishing to the iOS app store. On the other hand, Android app development does not require a specific computer, and developers pay a one-time $25 registration fee and 30% commission on app revenue when publishing to the Google Play Store. Additionally, the streamlined development process for iOS apps can be more time-consuming and increase the overall cost of development, while the more complex development process for Android apps may take less time and lower the overall cost of development.


In brief, iOS apps are generally considered more secure than Android apps due to the closed nature of the iOS ecosystem and the strict guidelines for app development, which include Sandboxing technique that isolates apps from one another, and App Transport Security (ATS) that encrypts data in transit. While Android apps are generally considered less secure due to the open nature of the Android ecosystem, fragmentation, and the presence of third-party app stores, which may have less stringent security checks. However, it's important to note that no app is completely immune to security breaches and it's crucial to follow industry best practices and guidelines to minimize security risks.


in brief, both iOS and Android are popular platforms for app development and each has its strengths and weaknesses. iOS apps tend to be more expensive to develop and have more restrictions but generate more revenue and have a more consistent user interface. Android apps are more flexible and have a larger reach, but can be more complex to develop and have security concerns. The choice of the platform will depend on the specific project requirements, development budget, and target audience.